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Check out how @iron_fit_rd ‘s left shoulder strength improved in one session by realigning her BioKinetic Energy field.
What causes a “weakness” in a limb?
A muscle contracts when the nervous system tells it to. If the nervous system does not deliver a good message, the muscle will not contract forcefully. The flow of the nervous system can be dampened from chemical inefficiencies, structural misalignments, and a disempowered consciousness.
A BKE assessment on this athlete revealed the following issues:
Structural: • Pelvis tilted downward to the right • Right temporal bone rotated anterior
Muscle Activation: (swipe left to see) • Bilateral oblique • Bilateral quadratus lumborum • Lumbar rotation to the left • Thoracic rotation to the left • Cranial – right temporal bone anteversion (forward rotation)
I used the BKE techniques of cranial realignment, spinal realignment, and meridian balancing to reactivated all the muscles and the pelvis then realigned itself.
As you can see in the before/ after overhead press video, the bar moves faster and her left shoulder is much stronger after the session.
Eat * Move * Think
Bio * Kinetic * Energy
#fitness #fitlife #functionaltraining #fitnessjourney #correctiveexercise #meridians #biokineticathlete #athlete #sports




Offset imbalances due to pressing by stretching the subscapularis into shoulder external rotation.
🔹Stand in a stride stance with the outside foot forward next to a pole with your arm bent at 90 degrees at the elbow. Place your forearm on the pole with your elbow even with your shoulder height.
🔹Lean forward and down aiming your chest toward the floor.
🔹Pull your head to the side and anterior to increase the stretch. Hold for 6 seconds then release the head but keep the shoulder stretch.
🔹Hold shoulder stretch at this level for 30 seconds or until it feels like the stretch has gone away.
🔹Increase the stretch to a new level by leaning forward and down a little more. Repeat head stretch.
🔹Repeat for 3-4 levels of stretch.
At this point your nervous system has “reset” the length of the subscapularis. *** Make sure to strengthen the infraspinatus, the external rotators of the shoulder!
Happy Benching (without having the posture of a caveman or any shoulder injuries)! #training #flexibility #stretch #biokineticathlete #correctiveexercise #mobilization #subscapularis #externalshoulderrotation #fitness #therapy #balance #injuryprevention #trainhard #trainsmart #kineticchain

Eat * Move * Think
Bio * Kinetic * Energy



When an athlete walks on to the field or court wearing kinesiotape, people take notice. It looks like they have just had some special, cutting edge therapy. But does it really work?

From my experience, it usually doesn’t do much and there are typically more effective methods of fixing the injury. For example, this track athlete had been experiencing posterior knee pain for several weeks. Her chiropractor kinesiotaped the knee in order to “support” it. However, the pain persisted.
I assessed her with BKE Integration and determined that she strained the short head of the bicep femoris. This muscle was shut off, along with her gracilis and opposite side obliques. (Swipe left). I got these muscles reactivated and did soft tissue therapy on the hamstring and she finally started feeling better.
No amount of kinesio tape would have turned these muscles on or released tension in the muscle. But it looked cool. 😎 lol
#training #sportsperformance #optimize #health #correctiveexercise #muscletesting #hamstrings #kinesiotape #sports #biokineticathlete #trackandfield #rehab #polevault #strengthtraining



Most athletes excel at getting from point A to point B, getting the job done, winning at all costs. However, most of them are also doing so at the expense of their structural health and despite having inefficient movement. Eventually, repetitive stress catches up with them, their system gives out, a serious injury occurs, and their best days are behind them.
This does not have to happen if the athlete is cared for properly, scientifically, and intelligently. At Athlete Engineering, we offer the most thorough and advanced structural assessment available today. Every athlete is evaluated for bio-mechanical movement efficiency as well as structural alignment prior to beginning a training program.
During this assessment, your BKE specialist will test to see if your bones are resting in their proper position. Misalignments in structure will cause repetitive stress on your tissues and joints over time if they are not realigned.
With all this information, we are able to determine if you will be prone to injuries and if so which body parts are at elevated risk. A corrective therapy program is then designed and incorporated into your strength and conditioning program to fix these issues. Also, we will be able to spot dysfunctions which are holding you back from reaching your athletic potential. Correcting these dysfunctions will allow you to move with more efficiency, speed, and power. In other words, you will be able to reach your athletic potential while remaining injury free.



What is your power spice?
Mine is cinnamon, which helps control insulin sensitivity. In my health blueprint, I don’t handle sugar metabolism so well. I was the kid in high school who would fall asleep in class after lunch due to an insulin crash from eating a hero sandwich. So now I avoid processed grains, always have protein, fat, and fiber with my carbs, and use plenty of cinnamon. I put it on my fruit and ricotta in the morning, in my smoothies, and of course on my ice cream lol. We all have a biological pattern that doesn’t change much. The key to health is figuring it out and creating a plan based on your biochemical individuality. There are many natural herbs and spices that are just as powerful and effective as medications, without the side effects. Cinnamon can help end type 2 diabetes. Try it!
#nomeds #nutrition #holistic #athlete #optimize #balance #biochemicalindividuality #cinnamon #health #naturalhealth



Kids and Concussions

Unfortunately, concussions amongst kids in athletics is on the rise today and the injury can have devastating long term effects if not dealt with properly. The usual advice – rest, no stimulation, avoid bright light, no electronics, fish oils and some other nutrients – is good. However, we have found that the following BKE approaches greatly increase the rate of recovery.
1. Cervical Alignment. Often during the impact which caused the injury, the cervical spine gets jammed out of alignment. The brain cord runs down through the spine and if it is being pinched right at the base, this will cause a tremendous strain on the brain and drastically slow down healing.
2. Cranial Alignment. Also during impact, often the bones of the cranium slightly move out of alignment. There are 14 major bones in the head and they need to be aligned and have some mobility in order remove any additional pressure on the brain.
3. Meridian Balancing. In eastern medicine acupuncture theory, there are 14 pathways of energy that run throughout your body. Each meridian is associated with a different muscle, organ, vertebrae, and other acupuncture points. It is kind of like the unseen intelligence that controls your nervous system. When there is stress in the nervous system, it can throw this meridian system off, kind of like blowing a fuse. We use BKE to rebalance the meridians and allow the nervous system to restore itself. Often after a balancing session, the person will need to fall asleep. This is the nervous system shutting down in order to reboot itself, similar to a computer loading a new program.
4. Nutrition Optimization. There are certain nutrients that will be needed in higher than normal amounts to heal the brain, such as magnesium and fats. However, we use BKE to determine exactly which nutrients are needed at that time for optimal healing. A holistic approach is needed as the nervous system extends throughout the entire body.
#concussion #healing #athlete #recovery #sports #sportsinjury #brain



Check out how BKE helped this pitcher to keep his head straight during his delivery. You can see how his head is tilted and rotated to the left in the before shot. After a session of BKE it was a little better in the middle pic. On the right after a few sessions it is staying pretty straight and in a more optimal body positioning for throwing velocity.
He tried for years to keep it straight by consciously thinking about it. This didn’t work because it was caused by his nervous system, which could not be consciously controlled. He had something called neurological switching. When in gait or a stride stance, certain muscles are supposed to switch off, or deactive, and others are supposed to turn on, or activate. When your left foot is in front, your left latissimus dorsi should turn on and your left trapezius should turn off. Sometimes there is a malfunction in the system and the muscles don’t turn on or off when they are supposed to. Sometimes it is even in reverse. When you throw a pitch right handed, your left foot is forward and so your left trapezius should be shut off. Instead, his was activating in this position, causing the head to tilt to the left. After we straightened out his neurological switching with BKE, his head started staying straight at maximal velocity.
Eat * Move * Think
Bio * Kinetic * Energy
#functionaltraining #correctiveexercise #biomechanics #neurological #nervoussystem #biokineticathlete #training #trainhard #trainsmart #holistic #sports #sportsperformance #baseball #baseballpitcher #pitching #pitchingbiomechanics



Pollen driving you crazy?
Instead of reaching for the Claritin, try taking a high quality vitamin C every hour until the symptoms dissipate. Think of allergies as a lack of vitamin C optimization. You know you have taken too much if you get diarrhea 😝then just back off a little. Repeat every time you get symptoms or even before you get them when the pollen counts are high.
My choice is from Thorne, which is available on Amazon.

With BKE, we can use muscle testing to determine exactly what nutrients and supplements will help you overcome allergies and many other health issues. Vitamin C is a good general supplement for allergies, however, there are many herbs and other supplements that may help your individual needs.

You may have toxins which are overloading your immune system, fatigues adrenal glands, sluggish liver, and many other less than optimal conditions which are making the allergies worse. The best thing to do is to schedule a thorough nutritional testing assessment to determine what you need.



Physical Therapy vs BKE Integration

After a traumatic ankle break, this NJ state trooper almost lost her foot. After a successful operation and several months of physical therapy, her range of motion plateaued. BKE came through and finished the job. Squatting never felt so good!

If you go to an average physical therapy session, you may get a few minutes of personal attention, followed by electric stim (which usually doesn’t work), and then an unsupervised exercise program with bands and other gadgets (which usually does nothing). The problem is that physical therapy protocols are dictated by what insurance will pay for, not by what the patient actually needs to get better.

At Athlete Engineering, we use BKE Integration to give the athlete exactly what they need at that time on every level – biological, structural, kinetic, and energetic. It is a compete and holistic system which delivers undisputable results.

Note: there are some excellent physical therapists out there but they don’t participate in the factory-like physical therapy shops of today. They study different fields outside of physical therapy to develop a more holistic approach. And they definitely don’t treat based on what insurance pays.

BKE practitioners are not “physical therapists” – it is a different system entirely. But they are what physical therapy should have been – a holistic system not influenced by marketing, finance, or fads, for the sole purpose of helping people get better.



Often we tend to think of the hamstrings as one muscle and train them as such. However, this is a mistake because there can be a big difference in flexibility and strength amongst the three. For example, BioKinetic Athlete @iron_fit_rd has a strength deficit in her medial hamstrings – semitendinosis and semimembranosus, compared to the lateral hamstring – the bicep femoris. On the left, her feet are pointed inward, stretching and challenging the bicep femoris. On the right, her feet are pointed outward, challenging the medial hamstrings. You can see her lumbar round in this one. 
The reason for the rounding is that her medial hamstrings can not handle the load in this position and therefore can not stabilize her pelvis. If the pelvis did tilt to the normal angle, a hamstring injury would most likely occur because of the weakness. Therefore the nervous system does not allow it to go there. Since the pelvis is not fully tilted, the spine has to compensate by rounding.

To fix it, we need to reteach the medial hamstrings to load in full hip flexion.