
At Athlete Engineering, we assess each athlete by breaking down the fundamental needs of their sport and position and compare those needs to the individual’s current condition. Not only do we look at the athlete’s structure and movement, but also their biology and state of consciousness (BioKinetic Energy). From this assessment we can determine where the priorities are for optimization.

This pitcher needs a few more miles per hour on his fastball. After a thorough assessment, we determined that has priorities on all three sides of the triangle. On the Kinetic side, he needs more supination in his right hip and more spinal rotation to the right in his lumbar. On the Biological side, he has candida and adrenal fatigue. And on his Energetic side, he has a faulty belief that more is better – more training, more pushing, always filling up space, now sleeping and resting enough. The two latter sides have been draining his energy and not allowing for full recuperation. So, we work on all three sides simultaneously.

Pictured here is the difference between his right and left leg when being tested for Supination. In his pitching mechanics, he needs powerful External Rotation in his right hip to push off the mound. As you can see, his mobility moving into External Rotation, a major part of supination, is limited. More on this to come but the first and very important step is complete – knowing where you are and where you need to get. This can save you years of unnecessary, unproductive, and often damaging training programs.