Muscle testing is a method used to determine if a muscle is fully activated. If the muscle is getting a clear signal from the central nervous system, then it will experience a powerful contraction.  However, it often does not, and when you need it most, it isn’t there for you.

Why is this?
In Chinese acupuncture theory, there are pathways that run throughout the body called meridians. Through these meridians flow electromagnetic energy, which supplies your body with power, similar to a river delivering water to farms, or wiring running to the various rooms in a house delivering electricity.
Each meridian is associated with a different muscle, organ, area of the spine, micronutrient, emotion, time of day, etc. If any of these associated components are compromised, it can have an effect on that meridian and slow the flow of energy. Consequently, all the other associations to that meridian will not receive sufficient energy to do their job. Thus, if a meridian is sluggish, the muscle on that meridian will not fully contract and remain in a weakened state.
Traditional methods don’t work

If a muscle’s meridian is down, no matter how many traditional methods of strength training or activation you try, it will not work. The answer is to unblock the meridian so that energy can flow. To do this, you may need to correct a nutritional deficiency, align a vertebrae, clear out an acupuncture point, change a thought pattern, or any number of other issues associated with the meridian. Identify it, fix it, and get your muscles working again.

Imagine trying to squat a PR and a primary mover or stabilizer is not working. Ouch! Happens all the time.
Eat * Move * Think
Bio * Kinetic * Energy