Don’t Get Your Flu Shot!

Don’t Get Your Flu Shot!

As promised, the next step in the Covid “never let a crisis go to waste” agenda is in the works. In NJ, there is a bill in process (A4576) to mandate the flu shot for students K-College. Massachusetts recently passed a similar bill. Winter is coming and big pharma and...
Vitamin A Cheat Sheet!

Vitamin A Cheat Sheet!

Here is the cheat sheet from my Vitamin A Food Sources video:

1. Once per week eat Liver
2. Once a day eat either: Fatty fish Something orange Something green

Elderberry Syrup to Boost Immunity

Elderberry Syrup to Boost Immunity

Elderberry syrup is an excellent natural and cost effective immune booster. Full of vitamin A and other nutrients to protect you from viruses and bacteria. Here is how to make it at home:1. Purchase a bag of dried elderberries from amazon or a health food store.2. Put...


The forces that control the body are often hidden. Things are sometimes not what they appear. The key to lasting results is to learn the body’s pattern of cause and effect and address it at its core.
Looking at this before pic, the pelvis is out of alignment and needs to be fixed in order to straighten the lumbar back. However, the question is how do you fix it. In this case, working on the pelvis itself won’t do it. BKE testing revealed that this athlete’s cranium was out of alignment. There is a law called the Lovett Reactor (swipe left) which states that the vertebrae at the top of the spine has a relation to the vertebrae at bottom (including the cranium and pelvis). If it is out of alignment at the top, the corresponding vertebrae at the bottom will also move out of alignment in the opposite direction. In order to fix one, you have to fix both or else the one that is out will drive the one that is in alignment out again.
After working on this athlete’s cranial alignment, his pelvis automatically came back into alignment as well as his lumbar spine.



This teen athlete’s back has been hurting and it was no wonder when looking at his pelvis and spine. In this pic you can see how a scoliosis has formed because of the misaligned pelvis. The spine sits in the pelvis. Imagine if you sat on a chair that was uneven. You would be sitting on an angle and would have to twist and rotate your spine in the opposite direction to keep upright. You would naturally create a scoliosis effect in order to not fall over.
So the first step in fixing the lower back is to make sure it has a solid foundation with an aligned pelvis.