Official Website for David Nogaki

Your ultimate resource for achieving POWERFUL HEALTH and PEAK PERFORMANCE




One of the many components of BKE Integration is visceral balancing. The organs and surrounding fascia can become out of alignment, develop scar tissue, and become too “tight” thereby affecting function of the organs and your overall health.

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How do you get fast functional ROM? Find out what is blocking it and fix it. It can be a soft tissue issue, structural misalignment, movement dysfunction, blocked meridian pathway, or a number of other issues. In this case, the athlete (lefty baseball pitcher) needed more efficient supination in his left foot and ankle, transverse plane ROM in his right psoas, mobilization in extension and left rotation of the thoracic spine and ribs, alignment of C1 and C2, ROM in left shoulder capsule, and loading of obliques while rotating to the left.
Don’t hope for success, engineer it.

Eat * Move * Think
Bio * Kinetic * Energy



Assessing Pronation: Pronation is the movement sequence in the lower body that allows for proper shock absorption in gait. To test it, have the athlete stand and reach with one leg out to the side, keeping the foot just off the ground. You may allow the athlete to gently tap their foot at the end reach, however, don’t allow her to distribute any weight onto the foot. Ideally, you will see the following: the arch of the foot collapses (everts) to some extent, the ankle everts and rotates medially, the tibia abducts at the knee, the tibia and femur internally rotate, and the femur adducts at the hip. If any of these movements are lacking, ground forces will not be absorbed by the muscles of the leg, but rather by joints further up the chain – usually the hip capsule or lumbar spine – and causes receptive stress and eventually injury.
Eat * Move * Think
Bio * Kinetic * Energy



Muscle testing is a method used to determine if a muscle is fully activated. If the muscle is getting a clear signal from the central nervous system, then it will experience a powerful contraction.  However, it often does not, and when you need it most, it isn’t there for you.

Why is this?
In Chinese acupuncture theory, there are pathways that run throughout the body called meridians. Through these meridians flow electromagnetic energy, which supplies your body with power, similar to a river delivering water to farms, or wiring running to the various rooms in a house delivering electricity.
Each meridian is associated with a different muscle, organ, area of the spine, micronutrient, emotion, time of day, etc. If any of these associated components are compromised, it can have an effect on that meridian and slow the flow of energy. Consequently, all the other associations to that meridian will not receive sufficient energy to do their job. Thus, if a meridian is sluggish, the muscle on that meridian will not fully contract and remain in a weakened state.
Traditional methods don’t work

If a muscle’s meridian is down, no matter how many traditional methods of strength training or activation you try, it will not work. The answer is to unblock the meridian so that energy can flow. To do this, you may need to correct a nutritional deficiency, align a vertebrae, clear out an acupuncture point, change a thought pattern, or any number of other issues associated with the meridian. Identify it, fix it, and get your muscles working again.

Imagine trying to squat a PR and a primary mover or stabilizer is not working. Ouch! Happens all the time.
Eat * Move * Think
Bio * Kinetic * Energy


Left to themselves, people tend to ignore their health in blind pursuit of productivity. At AEI, we believe in maintaining a balance of health and performance. We educate our clients to care for themselves on the biological, kinetic, and energy levels as they pursue their goals. While there may be times when the short-term sacrifice of health is acceptable in pursuit of excellence, we at AEI are especially sensitive to establishing long-term wellness and health as we work towards our truest athletic potential. We believe that if you properly balance health and performance, you will achieve greater levels of success in both.



Your organs are like tanks which start out overflowing with nutrients. These nutrients – vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, and enzymes, provide fuel for the organ to do its job. When you are young, you have an excess of these nutrients, an Organ Reserve. When the demands of the organ are greater than the rate at which these nutrients are restored, the organ will begin to have a net loss of nutrients. If this net loss continues, the organ will eventually become depleted and lose its ability to function at an optimal level. The purpose of the HPI program is to restore Organ Reserve and in so doing achieve a youthful and Powerful Health at any age.



Most injuries don’t just happen by accident. They usually begin with some type of strength imbalance, muscle inactivation, range of motion deficit, movement dysfunction, or misalignment. These imbalances lead to repetitive stress on the joints and tissues, creating a systematic weakening of an area of the body. If these issues are not corrected, it is only a matter of time before pain sets in. If you ignore the pain and fail to correct the original imbalance, eventually you will achieve a diagnosable injury followed by incapacitation.

The HPI approach to rehabilitation and injury prevention is to assess, address, and correct these imbalances to achieve structural integrity and movement efficiency. Once the issues are corrected, we then apply movement specific threshold training so that the athlete is fully prepared for the demands of their sport.



health-continuumThe state of your health can be thought of as existing on a sliding scale. Your natural state is one of health, however, when you develop a nutritional deficiency, toxicity, or an imbalance, you will begin to descend down the continuum. Sickness and disease are merely symptoms of the imbalances, which progressively weaken your system over time. We don’t “treat” a person for a disease, but rather supply their true needs and focus on creating a state of powerful health.



At HPI, we view health as consisting of three elements – the Structural, Chemical, and Emotional. Together, they form a triangle, or the Triad of Health. In order to be truly healthy as a person, you need all three to function optimally and be in balance.

triad of health

  • Structural – Muscle Activation, Structural Alignment, Range of Motion, Neuromuscular Movement, Strength, Speed
  • Chemical – Nutrition, Physiology, Electrical Energy
  • Emotional – Social, Psychology, Spiritual, Beliefs, Thoughts


The HPI Method was created to bridge the gap between the worlds of fitness training and therapy, and thereby developing a more advanced version of both. It is a process by which the practitioner guides the athlete on a journey through the triad of health towards the final destination of their sports performance goal. It is a new methodology which does not fit in any existing box. The HPI method can achieve similar results as many various fields of healthcare, such as chiropractic, physical therapy, acupuncture, massage therapy, and clinical nutrition. However, it is not actually any of these things but rather a hybrid of many different fields. HPI has been developed as an evolution of what really works in healthcare and sports performance, without regard to marketing, politics, or cultural influences.

HPI is the method.